Weather Meteo charts and Atmospheric soundings (Skew-T or Radiosoundings).With MeteoGrafica you can automatically access almost all airports in the world (with a special paragraph for Spanish and South and Central American ones). It is also possible to download information from more than 800 Spanish automatic weather stations (EMAs) managed by ©AEMet. We also have the possibility of manually entering the 4-letter international code (ICAO) that gives us access to the meteo information of airports not included.The program displays 4 graphs (in 2 attached pages) showing the weather data of the last 24 hours. The first draws the temperature, dew point and relative humidity curves, the second the atmospheric pressure, the third the wind speed and the fourth its direction. The latest available waether data will be shown in the upper toolbar. On the other hand, in the menu we can see the detailed meteo data in a table (also the Wind Chill or Heat Index, marked as ST), as well as extended METAR/TAF reports at airports that have such information.The difference with another similar apps is that MeteoGrafica charts only show REAL weather data (no forecasts or simulated registers created by data interpolation).Atmospheric soundings (Radiosoundings or Skew-T diagrams).Upper air radiosound consist of the launch of a battery-powered telemetry instrument that, propelled by a balloon, ascends to an altitude of about 25 km, collecting data from the atmosphere every few seconds.The program can directly access the different radiosoundings in Spain and South and Central America, being able to choose the time and day. It must be taken into account that some stations may only carry out these soundings once or twice a day (usually at 00:00 and/or 12:00), however there are others (especially in some European countries) that have other accessible schedules (eg. at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.). You can ask, as well, for past years soundings.Spanish radiosoundings are collected from © and the rest from the website of the ©University of Wyoming(USA). The first graph shows the temperature and dew point from the surface to a height of 100mb (about 16,000 meters) and the second (turning the page) shows the speed and direction of the wind. As in the airport graphs, we have a detailed table in the top menu. Knowing the international identifier of 5 numbers we can also manually download the data from stations around the world. In main menu you have an option to simulate soundings pointing directly on a map the desired coordinates (the simulation can be up to 192 hr). It is possible, as well, to save this upper air soundings in a PDF file. We also have a menu option, called "Cloudbase", where by entering a temperature and a dew point on the surface you can estimate the height of the cumulus clouds (in case of the possibility of forming) or of the blue thermals (if the humidity existing does not imply formation of cumulus clouds).